
Cloud seed­ing in Sabah skies

Cloud seed­ing in Sabah skies

KOTA KINABALU: The dry and hazy weather in Sabah is expec­ted to get some relief with a bit of cloud seed­ing.

Announ­cing the exer­cise yes­ter­day, Chief Min­is­ter Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor said the cloud seed­ing would help address the cur­rent drought in Sabah.

“Cloud seed­ing will be car­ried out in sev­eral areas in the east and west coasts of Sabah, includ­ing Pulau Sebatik,” he said, post­ing pho­tos of the oper­a­tion on his Face­book page.

“We hope this can help pro­duce rain in the areas affected by drought in Sabah,” he said, adding that the cloud seed­ing team had depar­ted from the Royal Malay­sian Air Force (RMAF) base in Labuan.

Apart from RMAF, the oper­a­tion was car­ried out together with the Met­eor­o­lo­gical Depart­ment, with its costs fully borne by the National Dis­aster Man­age­ment Agency (Nadma), said Hajiji.

The exer­cise is expec­ted to go on until tomor­row. 

So far, there has yet to be any updates on whether the oper­a­tion has led to any rain­fall.

Sabah has been exper­i­en­cing a dry spell for over a month, with many rivers and water catch­ments dry­ing up.

The state gov­ern­ment has begun send­ing water to 355 vil­lages in 12 dis­tricts statewide.

On Wed­nes­day, Hajiji said he had dir­ec­ted water to be sent to some 50,800 affected house­holds in vil­lages in Ton­god, Tuaran, Papar, Ken­ingau, Sem­porna, Kota Belud, Tenom, Pitas, Kota Kin­abalu, Penam­pang, Kudat and Tawau.

A Rm7.5mil alloc­a­tion has been set aside for this pur­pose in col­lab­or­a­tion with Nadma, he said.

He said the Sabah Water Depart­ment and dis­aster oper­a­tions com­mand centres in the affected dis­tricts had also begun dis­trib­ut­ing water to the people.

The drought has also brought about fires, res­ult­ing in haze in parts of the state, includ­ing an Air Pol­lut­ant Index (API) read­ing of 154 in Kimanis and 73 at Poly­tech­nic Kota Kin­abalu as at noon yes­ter­day.

API read­ings of between 0 and 50 are cat­egor­ised as good, 51 to 100 (mod­er­ate), 101 to 200 (unhealthy), 201 to 300 (very unhealthy), while 300 and above are haz­ard­ous.

So far, the state Health Depart­ment has not recor­ded any death or heat­stroke cases due to the dry spell.

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